We’re proactive, driven, accountable, reliable, and resilient, and take pride in the projects we take on.
We Put First Things First
We know what’s most important right now and focus on what needs to be done, both at work and in our personal lives. We’re integrated and balanced.
We Are Team Oriented
We understand our success depends on Firm success and vice versa.
We Are Right-Sized and Not Self-Important
We don’t take ourselves too seriously. We laugh hardest at our own flubs, recognize (indeed, thrive under) sarcasm, and take a shot as well as we give one. We have no prima donnas.
We Are Courageous
We know there’s something missing from the traditional way of practicing law and have the confidence to create a different and better way of life. We’re willing to bet on and invest in ourselves.
We Are Open
Comfortable and confident in our own skin, we’re authentic and understand deep and meaningful relationships with colleagues and clients are established with trust and vulnerability.