News & Insights

Team NewsFebruary 7, 2023by Stanton LawA New Look at our Core Values: Ownership Mentality

At our core, we value having an ownership mentality and feel this is crucial to the success of our team, clients, and firm, as a whole.

As your company grows and evolves, it is important to reevaluate your collective values and goals. At Stanton Law, we’ve experienced the growing pains of new team members, expanding families, added clients, and, on the flip side, team members and clients moving on. Through these ongoing changes, we’ve refreshed our core values to better represent ourselves and our firm at this stage. 

During this multi-part Core Values Blog Series, we’ll take a deep dive into each of our six core values and how our team members specifically embody these values. 

First up is our core value: We have an Ownership Mentality

Specifically, we’re proactive, driven, accountable, reliable, and resilient. We take pride in the projects we take on. Our team goes the extra mile to ensure the work we’re doing is meaningful and helpful for our clients. 

In order to cultivate an ownership mentality among our entire team, we value creating an atmosphere where everyone feels appreciated, accepted, and supported so they can lead to the best of their abilities. 

While everyone on our team exemplifies this core value, we have specifically called out Amy Thomson, Evan Alberhasky, and Elizabeth (Liz) Sigler as team members who consistently go above and beyond to showcase this in their work. 

While working with a client on a rather difficult project, Amy proactively consulted fellow attorney Alex to make arrangements with the issuing counsel and together they came up with a solid solution. Ultimately, the client was very happy with the way it transpired thanks to the way Amy took ownership of the project, even when it wasn’t an easy feat. 

Part of an ownership mentality is problem-solving, and Evan does this extremely well. When his client needed to share specific files with him, Evan connected with Elijah Davis to figure out how to share files with the software they currently use. Together, the two discovered a solution so the client could share what was needed. 

Liz always comes ready with that ‘Can Do’ attitude! Not only does she actively participate in matters, but she consistently watches out for the firm as a whole. As the first employee who was hired at Stanton Law, Liz has displayed an ownership mentality from the get-go, and she is a great example for others to look up at the firm and beyond. 

“While an ownership mentality is seen and celebrated internally at our firm, it is genuinely for the clients. When a client sees us going above and beyond for them, it speaks volumes.” – Todd Stanton

As we dive deeper into who we are as a firm, and more importantly, who we want to become, we are excited for you to join us on this journey. Stay tuned for the second part of our Core Values series.
